Monday, March 10, 2014

First Impressions

So in the book that I'm reading today called The Namesake by jhumpa lahiri, I came across the weirdest first encounter I have ever heard of. The narrator has a bunch of "suitors", potential husbands, over at her house one day and notices some shoes laying around. She tries the shoes on, and they fit. Obviously, when the owner of the shoes returned it must have been an awkward encounter; yet they ended up marrying so they must have been some pretty decent shoes. Reading this reminded me of some of my strange first encounters. I first met one of my close friends in the principal's office in 7th grade, where we were both getting detentions for something we didn't do. I explained this to the principal while making a joke and the guy to the side of me laughed; we went on to become best friends throughout middle school. Freshman year during football training camp, a fellow freshman was called up to read a contract. This freshman went on to pronounce the word "hereby"(hear-by) as hair-eh-bee. Of course, this sparked our friendship. I guess first impressions don't have to be good; they just need to leave any sort of impression, even if the impression involves bad memories.

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