Sunday, September 15, 2013


Sometimes, it takes hearing your idea from someone else for you to realize how wrong you are. Sarcasm is the most effective tool to use here because by saying "yes" sarcastically, I make you think about why I would say "no". Similarly, when Marge Piercy says "To every woman a happy ending." in her poem, "Barbie Doll", she is definitely not talking about an actual happy ending. She is mocking the people that think girls should look and be perfect, like a Barbie Doll. In this poem, a girl commits suicide after being bullied. She is told she has a big nose and fat legs, and "offered (her nose and legs) up." I think Piercy used sarcasm in her poem to make the reader reflect on their judgements by writing  that she stands behind the bullying, and making the reader re-evaluate what beauty is actually worth. It's clearly not worth dying for.

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